All in Thinking Aloud

Meditations on the Moon

A short meditation on the moon. The Sufi saint Rumi says, “There is a moon inside every human being. Learn to be companions with it.” Let yourself settle like water and glimpse the reflection of her next to your Self. See the constant presence hidden within others.

Meditations on Creativity, Artists, and Spirit

What is involved in the creative act, and how is the artist to prevail in the face of the great paradox that wrests the creator from creation? One solution for achieving the “spirit of the artist,” one who defies and prevails with passion and “divine grace,” is fostering the courage to cross beyond the limits of doubt and deconstruction, flowing with the creative encounter and affording the potential of our becoming to create “like God.”

Brain Dump #001: The Rings of the Lord

On previous iterations of this site, I submitted pieces that were just ‘Brain Dumps’ into which I poured my thoughts. I write extremely better than I speak, as my own ADHD makes it so that communicating my thoughts orally is just the worst thing ever. Brain Dumps are not meant to offend, they contain zero ill intent unless explicitly stated so. They vary widely in phenotype, but their genotypes are all the same.